Sunday, February 24, 2013

Thing That Was Good For You Six Months Ago Now Kills You

LOS ANGELES, CA—The thing your doctor suggested you do to cure your nausea or depression or lethargy or obesity six months ago has now been proven to actually kill you, a new study finds.

"When that particular exercise, pill, or dietary supplement came out six months ago, it was all the rage," recalled Dr. Victoria Tran, Director of Fad Science at Cedar Sinai Medical Center. "But a new study published in Great Britain's Journal of Questionable Medicine shows without a shadow of a doubt that prolonged exposure to whatever it was we prescribed for you half a year ago will almost certainly result in your untimely, and probably painful, death."

"Sorry," Dr. Tran added.

Despite the disheartening news, Dr. Tran stressed that patients who may be concerned about the side effects of exposing their body to six continuous months of flawed and fallacious treatment have nothing to be worried about.

"Luckily, the FDA just approved Fixtal, a daily, nine-pill regimen guaranteed to counteract any damage done to your body by the thing we prescribed to you twenty-six weeks ago. Just six short months from now, you'll be as good as new!"

When asked what patients should do with any unused doses of the thing prescribed six months ago, Dr. Tran advised they hold on to them.

"A year from now, another study will probably find that the thing we said is killing you is good for you again."