Sunday, January 27, 2013

Michael Moore Unaware He's Living, Heavily-Breathing Caricature of American Excess

FLINT, MI—Despite appearing to be of at least average intelligence, it seems American filmmaker Michael Moore is completely unaware that he is the very personification of that which he rails against most.

"I don't get it," said local resident Terry Klein. "I saw 'Roger and Me,' and Moore was going on and on about how evil rich executives are. But doesn't Moore have like fifty million bucks now? At least? He could single-handedly fix up those neighborhoods he was crying about. But I bet he hasn't."

"I mean really," Klein went on. "If I went up to one of those guys you see at the beach that draw caricatures and asked him to draw American excess in human form, he would draw Michael Moore's fat ass without missing a beat."

"And you know in political cartoons how they show congressmen as fat pigs carrying those big sacks with dollar signs printed on the side of them? That's what Michael Moore looked like that time he wore a suit on TV."

"And when foreigners think of the typical American," Klein continued, "what do they think of? Fat, rich, overbearing slobs who have a heightened sense of intellectual superiority for absolutely no reason whatsoever."

"I mean, damn. That's Moore in a nutshell."

Dr. Bonnie Leonard, a psychiatrist with the Flint School District, sees things a little differently.

"Oftentimes, when a person like Mr. Moore allows himself to reach such an unhealthy weight, it is the result of decades of self-hatred. I imagine he was teased and bullied in school, and that he wasn't very successful attracting the opposite sex. Food and controversial documentary filmmaking are his only releases, the only things that make him feel alive and worthy of the praise of others. But perhaps I'm wrong."

"Perhaps he's just a living, heavily-breathing caricature of American excess."