Monday, August 26, 2013

'Yakety Sax' Replaces 'Hail to the Chief' as Presidential Anthem

WASHINGTON, D.C.—In a move that surprised approximately no one, the Department of Defense today announced that the song "Hail to the Chief," which traditionally accompanies the President of the United States during his public appearances, will be replaced at least temporarily by "Yakety Sax."

"Yeah, I don't know what that is," Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel mumbled when confronted by reporters just outside the Pentagon. "Someone put some paperwork on my desk about changing some music or something, so I signed it."

When asked if he even knew that the playing of "Hail to the Chief," for some bizarre reason, falls under the jurisdiction of his department, and that he could look that arcane piece of trivia up, Mr. Hagel elaborated.

"I don't know."

"Yakety Sax," probably better known as the theme song to popular 1970s British television program "The Benny Hill Show," is an upbeat, even jaunty tune. Typically, it's played while incompetent authority figures attempt to capture terminally drunk and horny Benny Hill, who appears to expend little to no effort in evading them.

"It's pretty heavy stuff, if you think about it," said Spin magazine roving editor and 2005-to-present music historian Zander Reese. "I mean, with all the scandals and stuff going on, plus the economy, plus now the war in Syria that has to happen because Obama wanted to look tough during the election and now he's shitting himself because he actually has to back his words up.

"Need I say more?"

The descendants of Boots Randolph, the man who popularized the tune in 1963, unanimously agreed with the government's decision.

"First of all, it totally fits," said granddaughter Sandra Randolph in a statement. "Second of all, those idiots are paying us seven figures. Each."