Monday, May 27, 2013

Fecal Matter in 98% of Carney's Words, Study Finds

WASHINGTON, D.C.—A nearly five-year-long study conducted by the Centers for Disease Control has found that ninety-eight percent of the words that emanate from White House press secretary Jay Carney's mouth contain at least a small amount of fecal matter.

"I knew it all along," said Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA). "In fact, the Republicans have been trying to warn the American public of this very threat since early in 2009."

Despite contrarian statements from Rep. Nancy Pelosi, Vice President Joe Biden, and even President Obama himself, CDC spokesperson Angela Soto has confirmed that the centers' findings are indeed fact.

"Yes, it's true," Soto said at a hastily-assembled press conference this evening. "For nearly five years now, every single one of the 315-plus million people in this country and perhaps as many as six billion people worldwide have been exposed to the cocktail of toxins that have leapt forth from Mr. Carney's mouth since January, 2009."

Soto advised those concerned with contracting cholera, E. coli, ignorance, or any other ailments from Carney's excrement-spewing disease-hole can take one simple precaution that guarantees one hundred percent immunity from infection.

"When you see that smiling face of condescension appear on your television screen," Mrs. Soto said, "just turn it off. Go outside. Walk the dog. Wash your car. Buy your kids a couple of ice cream cones. But for heaven's sake, don't put yourself within spritz range of that fraud."

At press time, Mrs. Soto was unable to send or receive phone calls or emails because her laptop, work computer, iPhone, and tablet were being hacked by the IRS, DOJ, and DNC.